Prosthodontics Online

Welcome to the first international online journal covering all aspects of Prosthodontics.
We have chosen this new form of publishing for two reasons.
First, we want to simplify your access to the latest articles dealing with Prosthetic Dentistry and
secondly, we want to reduce the time between research work and publication of its results.

If you would like to contact the Editors you should use E-mail. The E-mail addresses are:

Furthermore we want to invite scientists, researchers and dentists who are working on Prosthodontics and/or dental materials to submit their work. Scientific articles will be published immediately on this server after having received positive statements of independent referees.

Finally, the Editors would like to wish you a pleasant (and if you look for particular articles) successful journey in the land of Prosthodontics!
Paul Wright and Juergen Setz

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